Tips to increase your sales, optimizing your CRO

Tips to increase your sales, optimizing your CRO

CRO stands for Conversion Rate Optimization. It is the set of techniques that aim to optimize conversion, that is, make the same number of visits become customers.

Here are some tips so you can improve the CRO of your store:

- Simplify the checkout process: minimizing the number of steps, clicks and always leaving clear information. Simpler, faster purchases and more conversions!

- Optimize the product page: having clear descriptions, optimized images and the buy button visible

- Offer free shipping: "free shipping" or discounts related to the purchase of certain products or volume purchases are always a strong stimulus

- Implement reviews: it is important to integrate some rating system, by customers who have purchased and build trust in future customers

- Implement "retargeting": allowing you to show specific ads to visitors who have already visited your site but have not made any purchases

- Implement A/B test: it consists of having 2 main pages with different communication strategies and using a system that randomly tests customers showing one or the other to later measure what turned out better. A/B tests allow you to get to know your customers better.

Working on the conversion of your ecommerce is the best tool to increase your sales in a sustainable and continuous way over time.

If you don't know how to put these strategies into practice, we help you implement them. We love what we do!

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