Importance of working with ISO 9001-certified companies

Importance of working with ISO 9001-certified companies

The implementation of ISO Standards in VN Studios has allowed us to effectively apply new technologies and properly manage our resources and processes, increasing operational efficiency and ensuring the proper functioning of all sectors of the company.

Having implemented an ISO Standard is synonymous with globally unified quality, processes are periodically audited by international certified agents, which guarantees our clients a standardized service delivery always seeking continuous improvement and customer satisfaction.

We share with you our quality policy through which we are committed to provide our service under these strict standards.

Quality Policy

VN Studios SRL, designs and develops systems and computer applications, in a fast and efficient way, seeking that its developments enhance the services offered by its customers, through methodologies and tools of last generation.

Our product seeks to find solutions that respond effectively to the cost/benefit/time equation, through competent personnel committed to the organization for the provision of the service, growth and development of the company.

In VN Studios SRL, our quality management system is the tool we use to plan and control our processes, seeking continuous improvement and compliance with applicable requirements, so that all activities are focused on customer satisfaction and process efficiency.

- The primary objective is to maximize the customer's expectations of our service.

- The customer is the one who defines the quality requirements for his specific use. Together we agree on measurable specifications so that our services meet your needs.

- Our personnel is constantly trained and each supplier must comply with established quality standards.

- Relationships with our customers and suppliers are characterized by cooperation and open communication, we are committed to respond enthusiastically and professionally to the needs expressed by them.

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